Filling out anthem Activation Form

Filling out anthem Activation Form

Submitting and Anthem Activation Request

  1. Proceed to
  2. Fill out First, Last, email and phone with the Technician Contact information
  3. In the address field present the site's address
  4. Site name is the Common name for the site (ex. Fast Mart # 53)
  5. Brand of the site is Brand name (ex. Shell, Chevron)
    1. If your Brand is not found, please insert it in the Other Information section and our team will add it to the drop down for future use.
  6. MNSP of the site is MNSP name (ex. Cybera, Huges, AvaLAN)
    1. If your MNSP is not found, please insert it in the Other Information section and our team will add it to the drop down for future use.
  7. Store Ap Cloud ID
    1. Can be found on the bottom inner panel of the In-Store Access Point

  8. Other Information Section is for any other helpful information (IE. Custom VLAN Tags, or missing MNSP or Brand Infromation)